Hello runners hows the running experience going for you guys? I hope it's going good especially because I know that the cold weather makes you want to stay home and skip the running for one or two weeks. Which in my opinion thats okay because are training started way before others which gives us more time for our training. Usually people start training for the Chicago Marathon in May but we started in September so it's fine to skip some weeks. Just make sure that you still run some distance during those weeks because then it will make it sort of difficult to start running again because your body took a 2 week vacation. Also if you think you need a break because you think your getting an injury then go ahead and do it. Don't wait until the last minute where your injury has worsen because you never know that this injury may cause you to miss the Marathon just like I did. The feeling isn't good when you trained so much for nothing and when the day comes your sitting on the sidelines watching everyone in disappointment.

Just run....and you will feel better in mostly every aspect of your life because remember not everyone can run a marathon or even can come close to run 13.1 miles straight without stopping. But you can accomplish this if you have the right mindset. Anything is possible when you want to make it possible. I decided to take break from the long run because I feel my knee acting up on me again and I don't want to risk another injury. But for those who are running your schedule should be 4 miles during the week and 8 miles for your long run. Be safe, keep warm, and just run.....
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