By now you must be deciding whether to keep going with this or not. Many people would usually stop by now as many of my friends did because they thought it was too difficult. In order cases people can't take the running for the reason that their bodies aren't strong enough. Yet I'm here to motivate you to keep going because this is something that can make you stronger both mentally and physically. Once you finish running a Marathon you will always have the feeling of accomplishment which can motivate you threw any tough time in your life. Physically you can be healthier than ever because the training is difficult like it sounds but if you train like your suppose to then you will do great. If you play any sports then you will be faster and stronger then the opponents having speed and stamina over them. I know because I play soccer a lot and by half-time people are huffing and puffing all over the field but yet I'm breathing normally like if I just got into the game. Also imagine running for a cause to help out millions of people around the world like Breast Cancer, Cancer, Aids, and Autism. You can help to treat these causes having the feeling that you helped with the finding of cures. Just keep on going you will feel great at the end. If you follow the running schedule it should make it way easier than you think. Picture the finish line with your friends and family waiting for you with their cheers. This week I will be training 4 miles during the week and 7 miles on the weekend. I will be taking it a little easy at the beginning of each run because of the cold weather and by doing this I will prevent any injuries. Good luck and run safe =]
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