All right well I hope everyone had a great week with his or her runs, I know I did. During the week it was kind of cold during the night so I chose to run on a treadmill which was okay, but don't get used to it. For the reason that the treadmill forces your feet to go back so your really not running by your self, which means you don't get the full workout. Also if you started getting pains in your shins during your first runs that’s normal because you’re barely starting to run. However, if this pain continues past the 3rd week then that means you must slow down your pace. If you don't do so you can get an injury called shin splints, which is when stress is caused to the shins by running, jumping, dancing, etc. This injury takes long to heal so you wouldn't want that to happen to you. Some things to prevent this from happening is to stretch before each run, a slow warm up run, have a good pace for you, and don't sprint at the end of each runs. Also you should stretch after each run that will help your body recover much faster because you’re letting more oxygen and fluids go through your muscles and tendons.
"Some Basic Stretches"
Any questions about your runs feel free to ask most likely I will be able to help out. This week my schedule is to run 3 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, and to run 5 miles on Saturday morning. Good luck on your runs. Remember stretch before each run especially because it’s starting to get colder out. Run till its done =]
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