"Paces for your final times" |
Hey guys hope your not tired from the race or most importantly injured. Last weekend I ran a 5k with one of my friends called the "Got Running on the Brain", I was able to do this because one of his friends got injured two days before the race so he called me to run with him. It was pretty difficult for me to run a 5k again because of my previous knee injury. I was going good for the first 2 miles running at a 6:30 mile pace, but the last mile killed me. My knee started acting funny sending sharp pains up my thigh which made me slow down my pace to a 6:45. At the end I was happy with the results because I had a feeling that my knee would just give up on me if went too fast but it didn't. I finished the race at around 20 minutes and 17 seconds according to my watch. I think that was pretty good for a guy that just came back from an injury.

Well now it's time to get back on track with our training schedule. Now that you know how much your body can take before it just shuts down, this will be a good time to move up in your pace if you think that your body is up to the challenge. But if it doesn't work out for you then you can always just slow down a tad bit. This week I will be running 4 miles during the week and my long will be 6 miles. Because it's getting colder you should start wearing long sleeves and hats so you can prevent any sickness. Shorts are still ok for the reason that as you run your legs will be able to stay warm from the constant movement. Good luck and remember Run till its done...
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