Sunday, November 21, 2010


        So can you answer the question that was brought upon you at the beginning of this training program. Can anyone run a marathon? Do you still think you cant and that you will never see yourself doing anything close to this. Well you must have realized by now that you can do this by putting in some time that you usually would have wasted on sleep or being lazy at home watching TV. Don't let your mind stop you from doing things that are possible in real life but impossible in your head.
        When I was first injured from soccer I never thought I would be running again for the fact that I had previous injuries on the same knee. I felt unbearable pain that I had never experienced in my life. I felt useless because I couldn't do anything but sit and watch my friends have fun during the summer. Then when I did try to do the things they were doing I had to stop the moment that I got up to try.
        People never appreciate what they have until its gone, which is why I have learned to take every step as if it were my last. I had lost the feeling to run and play soccer for a while but i gained a new meaning of life. Never let opportunities pass you by for reasons like its too hard or Im too lazy to wake up. Because most likely the things you let pass by may benefit you in the long run but they wont be able to if you ignore them. Finally don't let opportunities knock at your door just keep the door open with a welcome home mat on the front porch.
        This week is going to be Thanksgiving weekend so if you choose to run I recommend for you to run the Turkey Trot in chicago because its a great little race that I have done previously. Take a break from running this week just run a little. This is the time for you to give thank to the people that were in your life during the hard times. Spend it with your family and make it memorable. Just laugh, have fun, and run....Happy Thanksgiving...=]

Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting closer to that 26.2 mile goal....

Hello runners. How was everyone’s weekend? I hope you all ran in this great weather, I know I did I changed my mind and chose to run this week. I wasn’t just going to waste a week of 70 degree weather, however, by my knee acting up on me I was forced to run at a 10 minute/pace which kind of sucked for me but at least I ran during perfect running weather.
            Alright we are almost halfway through our training and it’s going to get harder as the time passes especially if you don’t run in between the week, so please don’t make it harder on yourself its only going to affect you at the end. Many runners can train for a marathon without running during the week but many can’t and maybe just maybe you can be one of them, but would you take a risk on almost 7 months of training. This is the time where you should be taking every run serious because if you don’t then you will be watching everyone pass you by during the marathon while you walk towards the finish line. Don’t you want to be able to sprint towards that finish while thousands of people are cheering and yelling, “Go Runners”, mind you that they aren’t saying “go walkers”. So train like if that was your last run because you’re going to regret it when that big day comes and your not prepared. I know this by experience and trust me it sucks when you have to walk towards the finish line and everyone is passing you by telling you “come on you can do it just start running”, then when you try to run you stop in seconds because of the amount of pain your in.
Strive to be the greatest, don’t watch the chance pass by. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Just Run....

      Hello runners hows the running experience going for you guys? I hope it's going good especially because I know that the cold weather makes you want to stay home and skip the running for one or two weeks. Which in my opinion thats okay because are training started way before others which gives us more time for our training. Usually people start training for the Chicago Marathon in May but we started in September so it's fine to skip some weeks. Just make sure that you still run some distance during those weeks because then it will make it sort of difficult to start running again because your body took a 2 week vacation. Also if you think you need a break because you think your getting an injury then go ahead and do it. Don't wait until the last minute where your injury has worsen because you never know that this injury may cause you to miss the Marathon just like I did. The feeling isn't good when you trained so much for nothing and when the day comes your sitting on the sidelines watching everyone in disappointment.
      Just run....and you will feel better in mostly every aspect of your life because remember not everyone can run a marathon or even can come close to run 13.1 miles straight without stopping. But you can accomplish this if you have the right mindset. Anything is possible when you want to make it possible. I decided to take break from the long run because I feel my knee acting up on me again and I don't want to risk another injury. But for those who are running your schedule should be 4 miles during the week and 8 miles for your long run. Be safe, keep warm, and just run.....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Keep Going

     By now you must be deciding whether to keep going with this or not. Many people would usually stop by now as many of my friends did because they thought it was too difficult. In order cases people can't take the running for the reason that their bodies aren't strong enough. Yet I'm here to motivate you to keep going because this is something that can make you stronger both mentally and physically. Once you finish running a Marathon you will always have the feeling of accomplishment which can motivate you threw any tough time in your life. Physically you can be healthier than ever because the training is difficult like it sounds but if you train like your suppose to then you will do great. If you play any sports then you will be faster and stronger then the opponents having speed and stamina over them. I know because I play soccer a lot and by half-time people are huffing and puffing all over the field but yet I'm breathing normally like if I just got into the game. Also imagine running for a cause to help out millions of people around the world like Breast Cancer, Cancer, Aids, and Autism. You can help to treat these causes having the feeling that you helped with the finding of cures. Just keep on going you will feel great at the end. If you follow the running schedule it should make it way easier than you think. Picture the finish line with your friends and family waiting for you with their cheers. This week I will be training 4 miles during the week and 7 miles on the weekend. I will be taking it a little easy at the beginning of each run because of the cold weather and by doing this I will prevent any injuries. Good luck and run safe =]

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 4-Back To Training

"Paces for your final times"
     Hey guys hope your not tired from the race or most importantly injured. Last weekend I ran a 5k with one of my friends called the "Got Running on the Brain", I was able to do this because one of his friends got injured two days before the race so he called me to run with him. It was pretty difficult for me to run a 5k again because of my previous knee injury. I was going good for the first 2 miles running at a 6:30 mile pace, but the last mile killed me. My knee started acting funny sending sharp pains up my thigh which made me slow down my pace to a 6:45. At the end I was happy with the results because I had a feeling that my knee would just give up on me if went too fast but it didn't. I finished the race at around 20 minutes and 17 seconds according to my watch. I think that was pretty good for a guy that just came back from an injury.
     Well now it's time to get back on track with our training schedule. Now that you know how much your body can take before it just shuts down, this will be a good time to move up in your pace if you think that your body is up to the challenge. But if it doesn't work out for you then you can always just slow down a tad bit. This week I will be running 4 miles during the week and my long will be 6 miles. Because it's getting colder you should start wearing long sleeves and hats so you can prevent any sickness. Shorts are still ok for the reason that as you run your legs will be able to stay warm from the constant movement. Good luck and remember Run till its done...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Running Your First 5k (3.1 miles).

"Imagine the feeling of this"

You must be thinking,” Hell no I’ am not ready for a race”. But you are if you have ran over 3 miles before. This can really help you prepare for a Marathon because you get the same experience but in a smaller version. After running a 5k you would be able to overcome the excitement.  I mean the thousands of people by the starting line yelling and cheering for all the runners. This causes a rush of adrenaline to go through your body making you want to gun it at the beginning. However, after you learn your lesson, like I did, you would make sure to stay at your pace or run fast but not too fast. Having some races around my belt helped me figure out the limit of my own body, which you would need to know if you want to be happy with your first Marathon.
My first 5k was called, Skirt Chasers, which was a really fun race. The race started with the women in skirts then the men chasing after them, as the title explains. Well as the race began a feeling came over me giving me a mindset that I would be able to sprint the whole race. My mind lied, 11 minutes into the race the lower half of my body just shut down on me leaving me stranded at the half way marker. I finished the race in 33 minutes but if I would have at least stayed around my pace I would have finished in 24 minutes. This is why you need to make mistakes so you can learn from them, trust me seeing old ladies passing me by throughout the whole race made me learn my lesson the hard way.
Some tips for a 5k:
1.      Overcome that stupid feeling of wanting to gun it at the beginning.
Result: No old ladies passing you by and a good chip time.
2.      Drink a lot of water two days before the race.
Result: Body more hydrated so less water breaks and prevents cramping.
Result: Preventing big, nasty, horrible blisters on the bottom of your feet.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week Two...

     All right well I hope everyone had a great week with his or her runs, I know I did. During the week it was kind of cold during the night so I chose to run on a treadmill which was okay, but don't get used to it. For the reason that the treadmill forces your feet to go back so your really not running by your self, which means you don't get the full workout. Also if you started getting pains in your shins during your first runs that’s normal because you’re barely starting to run. However, if this pain continues past the 3rd week then that means you must slow down your pace. If you don't do so you can get an injury called shin splints, which is when stress is caused to the shins by running, jumping, dancing, etc. This injury takes long to heal so you wouldn't want that to happen to you. Some things to prevent this from happening is to stretch before each run, a slow warm up run, have a good pace for you, and don't sprint at the end of each runs. Also you should stretch after each run that will help your body recover much faster because you’re letting more oxygen and fluids go through your muscles and tendons.
"Some Basic Stretches"
Any questions about your runs feel free to ask most likely I will be able to help out. This week my schedule is to run 3 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, and to run 5 miles on Saturday morning.  Good luck on your runs. Remember stretch before each run especially because it’s starting to get colder out. Run till its done =]